Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Good Day to you all!

Man..sorry that it has been so long since I've updated! Lots of things have been going on here in OH! I spent all day yesterday job searching...kind of a downer, nobody seems to have a good paying first shift job! Looks like I'm gonna be doing second shift, which won't be as bad as I am making it seem! I'll just work from about 4 in the afternoon until. 5 am if I get teh job at the post office! Which I am praying that I get! It is great pay even if the hours are stinkie! But, my man is so far away that I wouldn't get to see him all the time anyways, and my friends that live here, well we'll just have to do some stuff on Sundays, or during the day..but two mof my friends aren't exactly morning people if you know what I mean! haha! I've been talking to some of the girls back at school and they seem like they are doing great...I miss so many people so much! If you requested my email address it is Sparkles8705@aol.com (don't be afraid to use it)! Char, I hope that you are doing great! Is that restaurant getting started yet? That will be so exciting for the Market! Anyways I have a hair appt. today and then my lil cousin is having her b-day party tonight so maybe I'll take some pictures to post later on tonight! Lots of love, tiff


Liz said...

Good Day to you too! We're having fun here in 110, but it kinda feels like we're playing house. Morgan and I are cooking up a storm, and Brandi is definitely the child. Julie and I are kinda like the parents, but not quite. It's fun! Summer school is Loooong!!! O and funny thought for the day, Brandi got dressed in the dark this morning and is mortified at the fact she put her underwear on inside out...

Jiphanie110 said...

Ha ha...let me say that doesn't surprise me! I'm just happy she put some on today! hahaha

Carla Jane said...

I heart you! I'm so glad to hear your doing well! Try to make the best of the post office! Maybe you'll make some fun friends! :) And you dont have to feel guilty about sleeping in to noon! :) Love you lots! Praying for you!

jules said...

YES! post later! and i want to see your hair :) hope your job stuff is working out... let me know! I MISS U!