Wednesday, September 27, 2006

What would I do without one of these? I'm telling you what, right now, my whole life is being recorded in my school planner! My work hours, my to do lists, my homework, my due dates for bills, even things that "might" happen! It is kinda sad that I have to rely on a book that is folded in half, and stapled to run my life thoroughly! Oh well! As long as everything gets done, I'm happy! Oh and in case you're wondering, I still haven't picked a date! I know, it makes me sad too! Pray for me that I can get everyhting roling with
planning the weddng and getting everything organized! I might nedd another planner!! haha!

Monday, September 25, 2006

Will you marry me ????

Hey guys! Ross was right this past weekend was one that I won't soon forget! If you already know waht happened it isn't anythign to new, but for those of you who don't know! I said yes! We're planning on gettting married at the end of 2007 so I have plenty of time to plan a great wedding! I can't wait to send you all some very cute invitations! Leave me a comment if you have any cute wedding ideas! Thanks, have a great day!

P.S That gorgeous ring is still making me smile. Tootels!!!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Hey All!

Well to all my friends and family that are far far away...mostly those of you at MBBC..I have some exciting news to tell you! I bought a new car! Yep that's right, you read correctly! Here is a icture of my baby! I love it! I'm scared, but God will provide for me! I think that He has allowed me to get the new job so that I feel secure, and I do! Anyways some more exciting news may be coming up later, but for now that's about it! Oh wait how cvould I forget?!! Ross is coming up to visit and then I am going back to Southern Ohio with him for a few days! PTL, I miss him so much! Well I hope all is well in your neck of the woods! Is it getting cold up there yet???

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Howdy! Today I get to complete my skills check for my new job and I have to dsay that although I am super nervous I am also SO VERY EXCITED about the oppurutnity that God has granted me with this new job! School starts on Monday so that is even more that Iam nervous about , but oh well it will help time go by fast and before I know it my two favoirte bff's will be at my house for spring break, and then who knows what else I'll be looking forward too! Only God knows what is ahead for me in this next year! I know that ican cound on so much rayer and support from so many of you though! Tanky tanky for being there for me! With much love, have a great, super, wonderful, exciting, adventurous, splendid day! Tootles for now! "This is Tiffany signing bad you puished the WRONG button." (Just for you Morgan!)

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Hey all!!! Praise the Lord! God is finally starting to open up doors for me! I have an interview on Monday morning for a deli! But I already have a much BETTER oppurtunity to work with handicap children at a "home." I am so EXCITED. I would get to take care of a 19-year-old blind women, and a 8 year old boy who just needs extra attention! I would only work about 5 hours a day and then 20 hours every other weekend! And with my pay Iwould be able to amke a car payment! PRa ythat God will let all the paperwork go through on Monday morning so that Icould start my orientation on Monday also! Well I have to run but I hope that everyone is haivng a GRAND day!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Hey all!!! Sorry that it has been so long since i've said hi, but things around here have kept me pretty busy! i'm kinda down b/c i still haven't found a job. I put my application in at 4 MORE places this morning! PRAY... PRAY... PRAY... that God will let me work at this place called Golden Hawk! It is a trucking company ,but the guy knows my dad really well and would let me make my own hours which would come in so handy for school and time with Ross! Anyways, also pray for my dad and his lawsuit it is getting pretty ridiculous now and we all just want him to win so that we can get out of it! GRRR!! Well just thought that i'd say hey to all my missed friends! love you all! tootels!