Thursday, July 27, 2006

Summer is almost over!

Wow...I can't believe that summer is almost over! School will be starting for most of you in exactly one month, and for the rest of us we'll be starting right after that! I'm sorry that I haven't been faithful in updating this ummer, but you all know how hectic life can get! I have enjoyed my job this usmmer, but today God lead me to put in application at another place! A place that will help me get a career started! I will tell more about this job oppurtunite once I feel more like it is what God is going to provide for me! Please pray for me in that area! I also have an update on Ross for those of you who are interested in my relationship status! We are doing great, and we have come to the point where are relationship is growing closer to God, this is what I have been praying for! We are serious and I am only praying that God will direct us inteh right timing! Well I can't wait to go read all the updates! Have a great rest of the summer! I love you all!

Saturday, July 15, 2006


Let's start out by apologizing to everyone who misses my blog updates! Please forgive me for neglecting my blogger duties! I beg for your mercy! Now to the good stuff...summer is flyin by! I can't believe that it is almost 6 months till Christmas (don't worry though, you have pletny of time to get me gifts! haha!) I am wroking my tushi off...they have us on 9 hour days and sometimes 8 hour weekends! GEESH! I have decided that part of my next check is gonne go towards something special an ABE LOUNGE! I am going to use it tooo! I have only heard good things about it, plus it looks like an interesting contraption that I can't break my back in! haha! Classes will be starting in about a month and a half! YipPeE! For all of you who care Ross and I are doing wonderful...I would like to say more but am not going to do so at this moment! (I'll just leave you guessing!) I took my momma out for her bday today, we saw "The Lake House" and I must say that it made me cry! It was wonderful...I don't remember any bad language and there were no bad scenes that stande out! I would recommend it to anyone who care appreciate a good chickflick! Well it's about 2 am..I couldn't sleep so now that my eyes feel heavier and my heart lighter I think that I'll be able to rest my head! Nite! Don't worry I'll be back soon! Wishing your milkshake wishes and caviar dreams! Yuck..don't eat the two together! Actually I've never had caviar so I don't really know if it would taste good with a milkshake. Wow..I must be ready for bed! See ya!!